Website Design

Whether you are getting your business started on the internet, or have a website that is underperforming, or you are otherwise dissatisfied with your current provider, you have come to the right place. 

If you are new to all this, we will lead you through the following steps:

  • Chat with you to find out what you do and how the web could help your business. Note - this is usually a free initial consultancy!
  • Choosing & purchasing a suitable domain name (the www. bit) for the website
  • Create a Logo & Brand if you do not already have one
  • Set up hosting for you (the place on the web that your site is stored)
  • Design a great Website for you which is a Responsive Web Design (RWD) to work properly on mobile devices
  • Commission (build and publish) the Website
  • Ongoing Support and Consultancy Services as required
  • Provide Logs & Analysis of your site visitors to see how you are doing

If you have an existing site which needs improvement, you can commission us to produce a report of the site as it is and make recommendations, and then work on any necessary changes which you would like to implement.

Content Management - update your own site

We use the excellent and industry leading Drupal Content Management System. This is like an Enterprise or Business equivalent of the Wordpress program which many little sites use. Of course, not everyone will need or want to update their own site. We do very reasonably priced 'flat' or 'static' sites which look great but which we would need to update for you as needed.

Make the website work for the owner

There are millions of websites out there and some of them will almost certainly be selling the same product or service as you. To beat off the competition you need to achieve two things:

  1. Search Engine Optimisation - get people to find and visit your site, rather than going to your competitors
  2. Good Design Skills - make the visit pleasant and easy so the visitor is not turned away

We specialise in both of these areas; from the start, we create your site with both the visitor experience and the search engines in mind. We have excellent skills in acquiring high search positions in Google and other search engines, and generally achieve extremely good ratings.

As well as producing great designs, we also ensure we have SIMPLE and OBVIOUS navigation structures (i.e. the menu of possible pages to view) so the visitor can get around the site quickly and without frustration. So many websites instantly turn a large proportion of users away by being unfriendly, or unusable, or deathly slow to load; not ours!